NSF Research Traineeship program

Citizen-Centered Smart Cities and Smart Living

The ASU NRT program’s integrated and interdisciplinary training model includes the following components.


Master’s and doctoral stipend- and non-stipend-supported NRT trainees are required to complete the four NRT core courses listed below and attain a grade of at least a B (with a total of 12 credit hours, counted as electives, in students’ programs of study). Each of the four NRT core courses will be offered once per year in a small class size setting (maximum 20 seats per class, with a few seats open for general enrollment) to provide a better learning experience for NRT trainees.

The NRT core courses establish the foundation of understanding and knowledge that NRT trainees will use as they continue in their degree programs and in their NRT Smart Cities- and Smart Living-related projects. Additionally, NRT core courses are an excellent opportunity for NRT trainees to organically network, build connections, and spark collaborations with other members of the NRT network.

Because of this, Master’s NRT trainees are required to complete all four core courses during their first year of study. PhD NRT trainees are strongly encouraged to complete all four core courses during their first year of study, and PhD NRT trainees are required to enroll in at least one NRT core course per semester, until all four NRT core courses are completed by the end of their second year. Note: Students who join the NRT program a year or later into their degree program must complete all four NRT core courses during the first year of their time in the NRT program

Fall courses

Spring courses

Research training

About half of the required credits for master’s and doctoral NRT stipend- and non-stipend-supported programs of study are comprised of independent study, research and dissertation credit hours: 12 credit hours for master’s students including up to 6 credit hours of independent study, and 42 credit hours for doctoral students.

Applied learning

Service learning

