The Tempe skyline at sunset.

Poster session

Required: A program poster, which highlights key features of your NRT project including research and elements of your traineeship program.
Invited and encouraged: NRT graduate student research posters

All posters should be uploaded to Whova, the conference app, regardless of whether you will be attending virtually or in-person. Through Whova, all attendees will be able to browse, like, and comment on posters. If you indicated that you would be presenting a poster during registration, you will receive an email with digital poster set-up instructions later this month. To upload your poster to Whova, you will need a poster title, poster description/abstract, cover photo, and a PDF file of your poster.

Poster Guidelines

  • There is no template.
  • Posters should be no larger than 48” wide and 36” high. Recommended sizes are 36” (w) x 24”(h) OR 36”x 36”.
  • All posters should list your name, institution, and award number.
  • There are no printing services available on site and presenters are responsible for printing their posters for the meeting.
  • For the virtual poster session, there is no limit on the number of posters from each NRT.
  • For the in-person poster session, there is a limit of one graduate student research poster per NRT. Graduate students are highly encouraged to showcase and discuss their work at the meeting by presenting a poster. Program posters will only be featured virtually this year.

Some possible options for printing in the area: